Holeywell Golf Club
HSS Information

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Holywell Seniors Section

In accordance with propsals carried at the AGM on Tuesday 28th November 2017 the Retired Gentlemens Section was renamed the Holywell Seniors Section and membership of HSS is available to all full members of Holywell Golf Club who have reached the age of 55.

Fees are £10 per annum and a very warm welcome is assured to new members.

Matches and competitions are normally played on Tuesdays.
Officials elected for 2024/25 are:
Mark Smale - Chairman
Dave Hughes - Team Match Organiser
Dr Dave Thomas - Match and Handicap
Dave Kerr - Treasurer
Dave Hughes - Away Trips Organiser
Dave E Hughes - Golf Club Captain and Committee Member

HSS Constitution

Please note an up to date version can now be found on the Clubv1 site under 'documents'

History of R.G.S.

The germs of the creation of the R.G.S. began in 1985 when Mr. Bert Moore and Mr. Kevin Carney had a chance meeting with Mr. Ernie Newell, who was a past Captain of Rhyl Golf Club.

Surprisingly, they happened to meet in the Rock Inn at Lloc and the conversation got round to the fact that some golf clubs in the county had sections devoted to retired gentlemen golfers. Mess’rs. Moore and Carney thought that the retired members of Holywell Golf Club would be very interested in forming a section and accordingly passed on Mr. Ernie Newell’s contact details to Mr. John Hardie the Club Captain of that year 1985.

He then had a discussion with other club members and subsequently Mr. Jack Joinson called a meeting of eligible club members on Friday 1st March 1985

To quote from the minutes of this first meeting:

‘Mr Jack Joinson in the chair supported by the Captain for 1958, Mr John Hardie and 16 retired members.


* Secretary - Mr. Jack Joinson
* Treasurer - Mr. Joe Bellis
* Asst. Treasurer - Mr Richard Owen’

The initial entrance fee was set at £1

The minimum joining age was set at 60 years of age, with one notable exception to this rule, namely Mr. R.E. Owen, a.k.a. “Dick the bank”. Dick was seconded to the section because of his financial acumen.

The following members were recruited for the first year’s competitions:

J. Joinson, J. Bellis, R. Owen, J. O. Jones, E. Jones, T. Jones, E. Morris, L. Berry, C. Bingham, H. Maddock, C. Hewitt, W. E. Hughes, C. Edwin, D. Huntriss, T. Fletcher, J. I. Jones, L. Hughes (Flint), R. Huskisson, D. Roberts, L. Littler, E. Jackson, P. Jones, D. Wood, D. Prestige, J. Gawne, L. Hughes (Courtaulds), O. Lloyd, D. Jones, J. Hughes. A total of 29 members.

At the time of formation, there were a number of similar sections in existence throughout the county and a programme of home and away matches was quickly arranged between Denbigh, Flint, Hawarden, Prestatyn, Rhyl, Rhuddlan and St. Melyd.

The first match was played away at Prestatyn Golf Club on 1st April 1985. All of these original matches, with the recent exception of Denbigh, are still ongoing each year.

Members of the R.G.S. are indebted to Mr. Joe Bellis, who was a most diligent official of the section and maintaining excellent records of all proceedings and financial matters. Because of his notes, past business and activities can easily be recounted.

The following have been chairmen over the years.

* Jack Joinson (1985)
* Dick Owen (1985-1986)
* Les Noble (1986-1987)
* John Owen Jones (1987-1992)
* Arnold Williams (1992- 2006)
* Elwyn Roberts (2006- 2017)
* Kevin Leech (2017 - )