Holywell Golf Club
Subscription Rates

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Category                             Subscription                  Conditions
FULL GENT                        £660.00                         Age 30 plus. Unlimited access to all facilities and full member benefits
FULL GENT 25YRS            £600.00                         After 25 years continuous service as above
FULL GENT 50YRS            £565.00                         After 50 years continuous service as above
FULL LADY                         £530.00                         Age 30 plus. Unlimited access to all facilities and full member benefits
FULL LADIES 25YRS         £480.00                         After 25 years continuous service as above
18-21 YRS                          £190.00                         Age between 18 & 21. Unlimited access to all facilities and full member benefits
22-25 YRS                          £290.00                         Age between 22 & 25. Unlimited access to all facilities and full member benefits.
26-29 YRS                          £400.00                         Age between 26 & 29. Unlimited access to all facilities and full member benefits
2ND CLUB                          £420.00                         Must be a full member of an affiliated golf club. Cannot enter club knockouts, can win Major                                                                                                    Competitions, cannot be on winners board or trophy engraved. With Bar card."
LIFESTYLE                         £420.00                         By application, usually following 25 years continuous service. No handicap administration.                                                                                                      Clubhouse member benefits
JUNIOR High School          £99.00                            Under 18 and studying at high school with or without family member
JUNIOR Primary                 £49.00                            Studying at primary school with NO family member
JUNIOR (Free)                    £00.00                            Primary school with family member
SOCIAL                               £30.00                            Access to clubhouse facilities with members bar card